
第4期:English Pod - I need an assistant 我需要一个助理

诺哈网2023-08-08 16:26:520


Hello everyone and welcome to my channel, I'm Reevs, good morning.大家好,欢迎来到懒人英语晨读栏目,我是Reevs,早上好呀。

I’m excited about this lesson that I'm going to have for you today.我很高兴今天给你们上这堂课。

It's actually a very, very useful lesson. It's about someone asking his boss for an assistant.这实际上是一堂非常非常有用的课。它是关于某人向他的老板要求一个助理。

Okay, so, let's listen to this dialogue and when we come back we'll take a look at all the interesting and useful vocabulary and phrases that you'll find.好的,让我们来听这段对话,当我们回来的时候,我们会看一看所有你会发现的有趣和有用的词汇短语。你准备好了吗?


Boss: ...like I told you before ,we just don't have the resources to hire you an assistant.


Tony: I understand that, but the fact is we're understaffed.


Boss: The timing is just not right. The economy is bad, and it's too risky to take on new staff.


Tony: Yeah, I guess you're right...here's an idea, what if we hire an intern?She would take some of the weight off my shoulders.


Boss: She?


Tony: Yeah, you know, a recent graduate.She could give me a hand with some of these projects and we could keep our costs down.


Boss: That sounds reasonable... let me see what I can do.


Boss: Tony, I'd like to introduce you to your new assistant.


Tony: OK, great! Let's meet her!


Adam: Hi, I'm Adam.


Tony: Oh... hi... I'm Tony...



And we're back. For now, here are some useful tips that will make you sound more like a native speaker好,我们听完dialogue回来,这里有一些可以让你发音听起来更像一个母语者的技巧,下面跟我一起学起来。

1. 辅元连读:Here's an/hɪrzæn/和an idea/ænaɪdiːə/对话中:Tony:Here's an idea.连读分析:Here's结尾的/z/和/an开头/æ/ ,读为/hɪrzæn/。an结尾的/n/和idea开头的/aɪ/, 读为/aɪˈdiːə/。复述:Here's an idea.

2. 辅元连读 Flap T: what I/ wʌtaɪ/对话中:Boss: Let me see what I can do.连读分析:what结尾的/t/和/I开头的/aɪ/ ,读为/ wʌtaɪ/。FLap T: /t/在两个元音音标之间且非重读,/t/可以读为一个很轻的/d/。

复述:Let me see what I can do.


So moving on, let's look at some interesting vocabulary here.继续,我们来看一些有趣的词汇。

1. resources /ˈriːsɔːrsɪz/ n. 资金(resource表示“资源(指钱、物、人等)时”,一般作resources)And that means, in this dialogue, basically, money.也就是说,在这段对话里,基本上就是钱。resource, 比较熟悉是它表示“资源”,资源可以指钱,物,人等,一般用作resources 。

对话中Boss说到we just don't have the resources to hire you an assistant. 用到一个短语就是have the resources to do sth.有资源去做某事例如:The company doesn't have the resources to hire a new assistant.

这个公司没钱招聘一个新的助理。 Okay, I have another interesting word for you and that's understaffed.好的,我为你选了另一个有趣的词,那就是人手不足的。

2. understaffed /ˌʌndərˈstæft/ adj. 人手不足的Now, understaffed means that they don't have enough people working there. 现在,人手不足意味着他们没有足够的人在那里工作。例如:Her department is understaffed.


Okay, the next one is graduate.好的,下一个单词是graduate。

3. graduate /ˈɡrædʒuət/ n. 毕业生例如:a Cambridge graduate 一名剑桥大学毕业生

graduate /ˈɡrædʒueɪt/ v. 毕业常见搭配:graduate from 毕业于例如:I graduated from Cambridge University in 2010.


Alright, the last word that I wanna take a look at is project.好的,最后一起看一下单词project。

4. project /ˈprɑːdʒekt/ n. 项目例如:a project manager.


I spent 3 months working on the project.



For now, let's look at some interesting phrases. 现在我们一起来看看有趣的短语表达。 Okay, the first one is the timing is just not right. 好的, 第一个短语是时机不对。

1. The timing is just not right. 时机不对。例如:I was gonna sell my house, but the timing is just not right.我本来要卖房子的,但是时机不对。 So moving on I have another interesting phrase for you, which is weight off my shoulders. 我有另一个有趣的短语教你,卸下肩头重担。

2. weight off my shoulders 卸下肩头重担

So,to take weight off my shoulders is another way of saying "to help me with my work" or to take some of my work away from me". 所以,卸下肩头重担是“ 帮我完成工作” 或“分担我的一些工作”的另一种说法。

If you have a lot of things to do and I come and help you that means that I took some of the weight off your shoulders.


例如:Finally selling the house was a great weight off myshoulders.

最后卖了房子让我如释重负。 Let's look at the last phrase that we have here and it's give me a hand. 让我们看看最后一个短语,帮我一把。

3. give me a hand 帮我一把Okay, now, this is not literal, it's not that I'm gonna give you somebody's hand.


Alright, give me a hand is another way of saying "help" or "to help out". 帮我一把的是另一种表达“帮助”或者“帮助解决问题”的方式。

例如 :Here, let me give you a hand with your suitcase.

来,我来帮你提行李。 Now, it's time for us to review what we've learned today.现在我们来回顾一下今天所学习的,要跟上我一起来认真回顾,思考起来。


1. 发音重点:

连读:Here's an idea

连读 Flap T: Let me see what I can do 2. 单词重点:

resources n. 资金(resource表示“资源(指钱、物、人等)时”,一般作resources)

understaffed adj. 人手不足的

graduate n. 毕业生

v. 毕业

project n. 项目

3. 表达重点:

The timing is just not right. 时机不对。

weight off my shoulders 卸下肩头重担

give me a hand 帮我一把

Alright,that’s all for today. Thanks for coming. Hope you enjoy today’s lesson.
