A comprehensive analysis of evolving dynamics at home and abroad indicates that this year our country will encounter many more risks and challenges, and we must keep pushing to overcome them. The harder things get, the more confident we must be, and the more solid steps we must take to deliver outcomes. The fundamentals of our economy remain unchanged, and they will maintain long-term growth. We have many favorable conditions for sustaining development. Most notably, our people, in their hundreds of millions, aspire to a better life, have huge potential for starting businesses and engaging in innovation, and are resolved to overcome all difficulties together. We have also acquired a wealth of experience in dealing with major risks and challenges. There is no doubt but that China’s economy will withstand any new downward pressure and continue growing steadily long into the future.
1. 综合研判国内外形势,今年我国发展面临的风险挑战明显增多,必须爬坡过坎。
A comprehensive analysis of evolving dynamics at home and abroad indicates that this year our country will encounter many more risks and challenges, and we must keep pushing to overcome them.
(2)综合研判… a comprehensive analysis of …
(3)国内外形势 evolving dynamics at home and abroad; environments both at home and abroad
注:evolving dynamics 动态进展
(4)今年我国发展面临的风险挑战明显增多:This year, our country will encounter /face many more risks and challenges; In pursuing development this year, China will encounter /face many more…; There will be many more development risks and challenges facing China this year.(以上三句删除了“明显”),如果保留“明显”,可尝试译为“There will be a dramatic rise in development risks and challenges facing China.”
(5)必须爬坡过坎:简单来讲,就是“必须克服风险和挑战”。官方处理为“keep pushing to overcome them”即“要持续努力克服风险和挑战”。
2. 越是困难越要坚定信心、越要真抓实干
The harder things get, the more confident we must be, and the more solid steps we must take to deliver outcomes(真抓实干=采取切实办法达成成果)
3. 我国经济长期向好的基本面不会改变
The fundamentals of our economy remain unchanged, and they will maintain long-term growth./ The economic fundamentals that will sustain long-term growth remain unchanged.
(1) 经济基本面=基本经济因素/要素 economic fundamentals(fundamental=a central or primary rule or principle on which sth is based根本法则;基本原则)
(2) 长期向好 long-term (sound) growth; (sound) growth for the long term
4. 持续发展具有多方面有利条件,特别是亿万人民有追求美好生活的强烈愿望、创业创新的巨大潜能、共克时艰的坚定意志,我们还积累了应对重大风险挑战的丰富经验。
We have many favorable conditions for sustaining development. Most notably, our people, in their hundreds of millions, aspire to a better life, have huge potential for starting businesses and engaging in innovation, and are resolved to overcome all difficulties together. We have also acquired a wealth of experience in dealing with major risks and challenges.
(1)三个分句单独成句;整句主干是“发展的有利条件中最主要的是条件A,B,C 和D”。
(2)持续发展 sustained development; 多方面有利条件 many favorable conditions;
(3)特别:强调最突出或最重要的条件,所以官方处理为“most notably”。
(4) 亿万人民:可以理解为“数亿人民hundreds of millions of our people”,为强调主语“人民”,官方将其处理为“our people, in their hundreds of millions”。
(5)有追求美好生活的强烈愿望:aspire to a better life(aspire to= have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth 渴望(成就);有志(成为)),所以“有做…的强烈愿望”可“名转动”处理为“aspire to sth”。
(6)创业创新的巨大潜能have huge potential for starting businesses and engaging in innovation;创新创业start/launch businesses and engage in/make innovation
(7)共克时艰的坚定意志 have the resolve / firm determination to / resolve (动词)to /be resolved to overcome all difficulties together;共克时艰 overcome all difficulties together
(8)积累做…的丰富经验 acquire a wealth of experience in doing sth;应对重大风险挑战 deal with major risks and challenges
5. 中国经济一定能顶住新的下行压力,必将行稳致远。There is no doubt but that China’s economy will withstand any new downward pressure and continue growing steadily long into the future.
(1)一定;必将 there is no doubt(but)that…(but that:这个结构常跟在否定句后面加强语气,一般可不译出。)
(2)顶住新的下行压力 withstand any new downward pressure; 行稳致远 grow steadily long into the future; maintain steady growth
声 明
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