第3期:English Pod - Hotel Upgrade 酒店升级

Good morning, English learners and welcome to my channel.大家好早上好,欢迎来到我们的晨读栏目。
My name is Lara.我是Lara。
I am here today with an interesting lesson about a hotel situation.我今天在这里给大家上了一堂关于酒店的有趣课程。
Well, the situation is taking place in a hotel and someone is checking in and is updating an upgrade. 嗯,这个情况发生在一家酒店,有人入住,但是显示他的房间被升级了。
An upgrade, that's an interesting word right?升级,这是一个有趣的词。
Okay, let’s just listen to this dialogue and we'll come back to explain all this vocabulary.我们先听对话,然后再回来解释这些词汇。
A: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?
B: I'd like to check in please. I have a reservation under the name Anthony Roberts.
A: All right R.O.B.E.R.T.S... Oh, Mr. Roberts we've been expecting you... and here is your keycard to the presidential suite.
好的,R.O.B.E.R.T.S... 找到了,罗伯茨先生,我们一直期待您的到来。这是您总统套房的门卡。
B: But there must be some mistakes, my reservation was for a standard room.
A: Are you sure? Let me double check .
B: Yeah... Here, this is my confirmation number.
A: You're right Mr. Roberts, there seems to be a mix-up, unfortunately we're overbooked at the moment .
B: So......
A: Not to worry. We're pleased to offer you a complimentary upgrade.
B: Presidential suite baby!

辅音 元音 = 辅元连读如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。 1. check in 原文中:I'd like to check in please.
2. let me 原文中:Let me double check .
“元音 元音”型连读 如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。
3. here is原文中:And here is your keycard to the presidential suite.
There’re some interesting phrases and vocabulary items here and I want to talk about some of them. 这里还有一些有趣的短语和词汇,我想跟大家说说其中的一些。
1.reservation [ˌrezə(r)ˈveɪʃ(ə)n] n. 预订举例:Just a minute. Let me check our reservation list.
2. standard [ˈstændə(r)d] n./adj. 标准,水准,规范例如:There is no absolute standard for beauty.
3.confirmation [ˌkɒnfə(r)ˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] n.证实,确认书例如:The confirmation process takes just a few seconds.
4. unfortunately [ʌnˈfɔː(r)tʃ(ə)nətli] adv.可惜,遗憾的是例如:Unfortunately, I failed to see you.
Right, um, the first one and this is really useful for all our listeners who travel a lot, this phrase will come in handy and it is “I have a reservation under the name”.好的,第一个,它对于我们经常出差的听众来说非常有用,这个短语会派上用场的,它是“I have a reservation under the name(我以我的名字预订了房间)。
1. under the name 以……的名义Under the name means that when you go to the restaurant or a hotel and you tell them your name, they know that you are the person that they have been expecting, they have been waiting. 短语under the name的意思是当你去餐厅或酒店告诉他们你的名字,他们知道你是他们一直期待要来的人,所以他们一直在等待着你。
例如:My secretary made a reservation under my name.
2. complimentary upgrade 免费升级So, this means that, for example, when the hotel is overbooked and all of their standard rooms are full, they will give you a better room, a more expensive room, but free.所以这个单词意思是,举个例子,当酒店超额预订,所有的标间都满了,他们会给你一个更好的房间,更贵的房间,但会是免费的。
Yep, because it was not your fault. 是的,因为这不是你的错。
例如:Congratulations, you got the Complimentary upgrade.
3. mix-up 混淆“There seems to be a mix-up”. Before we talk about this phrase, let's listen to the example of how it is used. “好像搞错了。”在我们谈论这个短语之前,让我们先来听一些例句。
例如:There was a mix-up at the airport and my bags were sent to Antarctica.机场出了点差错,我的行李被送到了南极洲。Well,a mix-up is a confusion or a misunderstanding. 好了,所以,混淆是一个混乱或误解。
We should take a look at is overbooked. 好吧,我们应该看的下一个词是overbooked(超额预订)。
4. overbooked 超额预订What does that mean?超额预订是什么意思?
So, if a hotel or a flight is overbooked, it means that they are full, they are more than full. 所以,如果一个酒店或者一个航班超额预订,就意味着他们已经客满。
Right, so, they cannot accept any more people. 是的,所以,他们不能接受更多的人。
Okay, now, ah, why is this phrase useful? 好了,为什么这个短语有用?Because it happens all the time. 因为这种事经常发生。
There're so many other situations where you can use this word or hear it from other native English speakers. 有很多种情况下,你可以使用这个词或听到其他英语为母语的人说这个词。
例如:Um, for example, a bus or a train can be overbooked.比如说公交车或者火车可能会超额预订。
辅音 元音连读:
check in
let me
元音 元音连读
here is
2. 单词重点:
reservation 预订
standard 标准,水准,规范
confirmation 证实,确认书
unfortunately 可惜,遗憾的是
3. 表达重点:
under the name 以……的名义
complimentary upgrade 免费升级
mix-up 混淆
overbooked 超额预订
Alright,I hope you enjoyed the lesson today. and we would also appreciate your suggestionsSee you~好啦,我希望你喜欢今天的课,我们也会感谢你的建议,那我们下期见。
英语中表示“二”的单词是two,来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语。除了这个单词以外,英语中还有很多单词都和“二”相关,都跟单词two有很近的亲缘关系。下面我们就来学习这些看起来很“二”的单词。诺哈网2023-08-01 13:06:330000词源趣谈 | 被喊到法庭帮忙辩论的advocate(代言人)
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