口语提升 | 最实用的 string 短语
Life is one strong, long string of
character-defining moments.
a string of 指"一连串"或者"一系列"!
△ a string of pearls:一串珍珠项链
今天再来说说与 string 有关的一些实用短语:
string 相关表达
❶ loosen (up) your purse strings
loosen up 是"松开"的意思,口语中常用 Loosen up!来安慰别人,让对方"放松,别紧张";
purse 最常指女士钱包(男式用 wallet),不过鉴于这个短语男女混用,这里的 purse 就没有严格区分了;
string 指各种长度粗细的绳子,当然也可以指大小提琴的弦,网羽拍的线,甚至植物的筋络或者肉类的纤维等;
因此,loosen up your purse strings 字面上就是"松开你钱袋子的绳子",实际是劝人不要太抠门,该花钱还是要花钱的;
🌰:He often loosens up his purse strings to help those in need.
与 loosen up 相反的是 close 或者 hold;所以, close/hold the purse strings 意思就是控制用钱。
❷ without any strings attached
字面意思:没有附加任何绳索,实际上,这里的 string 不再是绳子之意,而是指特定的条件或者限制;
因此without any strings attached (或者 with no strings attached )指没有任何的附加条件;
相反,with strings attached 则是带有附加条件的意思。
🌰:Cathy signed the deed to her house to Cliff without any strings attached.
Cathy签了契约,无附件条件的把房子给了 Cliff。
❸ on a/the string
字面意思"在绳子上"还让人想起中文的歇后语:一条绳子上的蚂蚱 — 谁也跑不掉!
因此,on a/the string 的意思就不言而喻了:被控制,身不由己。
🌰:She keeps him on a string so he won't get involved with other women.
跟这个短语意思接近的还有be tied to one's mother's apron strings,"被绑在妈妈的围裙上"讽刺成年以后,生活不能独立的人;
🌰:Even after he grew up,he was still tied to his mother's apron strings.
❹ pull the strings
知道了 on a string,那么 pull the string 就是好理解了:操纵;
🌰:It turned out that her father was the person pulling the strings behind the operation.
❺ play on my heart strings
中文形容引起共鸣,心被触动时说"触动了心弦",play on my heart strings 的表达与中文完美契合!
🌰:The movie Hi Mum really played on my heart strings.
❻ have two strings to one's bow
所以,have two strings to one's bow 意思就是"做两手准备";
🌰:Louise has two strings to his bow;If his political career fails, he can fall back on his business.
Louise 做好了两手准备,如果政坛失意,他还可以弃政从商。
~ END ~
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