前几天,Shark 又收到了一位参加了✍写作月计划✍,但是因为疫情影响转考了多邻国考试的同学发来的好消息:在雅思月计划里学习的写作知识,在其它的考试中同样大有裨益。
在任何写作考试中,不论是雅思、托福还是考研英语等,正确写出各种各样语法结构的句子都是重要的评分项之一。以雅思为例,在官方给出的在语法范围和准确度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)这一项评分标准中,明确要求:7分 的作文必须正确使用各种各样复杂的的语法结构(a variety of complex structures)▼
所以,针对于雅思考试,我们需要为写作打下坚实基础。其目标有二:第一是让大家在语法结构运用上达到下笔自如;第二点当然就是为了帮助大家拿到更高的写作分数,对标评分标准7 !比如,下面这个句子,大家可以先做尝试,看自己能写出几种不同的写法。
1. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000. Many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(两个独立的简单句)
2. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000, so many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(并列连词连接的并列句)
3. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000; therefore, many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(连接性副词连接的并列句)
4. In major metropolises, many students choose to study remotely on the Internet because receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring in training institutes costs ¥50,000. (状语从句)
5. In major metropolises, where receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000 in training institutes, many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(关系副词定语从句)
6. In major metropolises, having to spend ¥50,000 in receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring in training institutes, many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(非谓语作状语)
7. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000, which forces many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(which引导的非限制性定语从句,仅用于英联邦语法体系)
8. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000, thus forcing many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(非谓语作主语 状语)
9. In major metropolitan training institutes, receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000, which leads to that many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(定语从句 宾语语从句)
10. The fact that receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring costs ¥50,000 in major metropolitan training institutes forces many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(同位语从句)
11. In major metropolises, the reason why many students choose to study remotely on the Internet is that receiving a 30-day IELTS tutoring in training institutes costs ¥50,000.(定语从句 表语从句)
12. In major metropolises, training institutes charging ¥50,000 for a 30-day IELTS tutoring, many students choose to study remotely on the Internet.(独立主格结构)
抖音英文名叫啥? 为啥?
虽然词义不难猜,但要在词典里找这个短语还真是不容易:各大词典找了个遍,最后才在较少用的Macmillan里找到;tickup到底啥意思?先说tick;tick可作名词也可作动词,作名词为"钩号",如"在方框里打钩"就是putatickinthebox美语用check或者checkmark诺哈网2023-08-19 16:27:030000你好,左撇子。
生活中大多数人右手比较灵活,人们把习惯用左手的人称为"左撇子",据统计,世界上的左撇子只占10%,十个人当中只有一个哦!△左撇子的美国总统△喜欢古龙武侠小说的伙伴,还记得荆无命这个狠人吗?左手执剑,令江湖好汉们闻风丧胆!可却没人知道,他最厉害是其实是右手,因为知道的人全都死在他的剑下!你身边有左撇子吗?今天说说"左撇子"用英文怎么说;诺哈网2023-08-07 08:56:260000词缀详解 | 后缀-ness
诺哈网2023-08-17 13:56:320000词源趣谈 | default到底是哪种fault(过错)?
在词典中,单词default有“违约、不履行、缺席、默认值”等多种含义。很多英语学习者都觉得这些含义风牛马不相及,难以理解。其实这个单词可以分解为前缀de-和单词fault两部分,可以利用单词fault来帮助理解和记忆单词default。诺哈网2023-08-20 21:33:290000青岛笔记(一)
美丽浪漫的青岛有八大怪:老区房顶红瓦盖骑车没有走路快身穿泳装走在外啤酒装进塑料袋公交站牌乱安排东南西北分不开新娘婚纱满街戴管小姑娘叫小嫚△用全国地名命名的街道数量,青岛应该排第一了吧?!除了最后一个没见着,其它青岛七怪都感受到了,三个印象最深:△不仅老城区,青岛很多其它地方的房子也是红瓦的△啤酒装进塑料袋诺哈网2023-08-13 08:57:000000