also,too 和 either 的用法区别习题(答案及解析)
三者都有”也“的意思,其中 also 和 too 可以以相同的方式使用。然而,我们把它们放在不同的地方,在肯定句中使用 also 和 too,而在否定句中则使用 either。其中,also 放在 be 动词和在情态动词之后,实义动词之前,而 too 放在句尾,此时它的意思跟 also 一样,所以解答此类的题目,只需判断句型或位置就可以了。一、用 also,too 或 either 完成下列句子1、I don’t like cold climates. I don't think you like it _____.2、My friends are going to college next year. I am _____ going to college next year.3、My wife is a diligent engineer. I am a diligent engineer _____.4、I love swimming. My son loves it _____.5、Today the weather isn't so good. It wasn't really good yesterday _____.6、I eat a lot more than an average person. My brother _____ eats a lot.7、A bear can run very fast. A tiger runs very fast _____.8、I am not from Italy. My friend isn't from Italy _____.9、Paris is a big city. Madrid is _____ a big city.10、French is a difficult language to learn. Latin is a difficult language to learn _____.11、Henry is very athletic. He loves swimming, surfing, snowboarding and skiing. Jason _____ loves to swim and surf, but he hates all winter sports because he can't stand cold weather.12、I am taking a great art history class at the junior college downtown. Sarah is in the class _____. We both love it.13、I don't really like tomatoes. My brother doesn't like them _____.14、I am really tired, and I don't feel like going out tonight _____. Let's just stay home tonight.15、I don't really feel like going out tonight, and I am _____ really tired. Let's just stay home tonight.二、答案及解析
1、either解析:在否定句(don't)中用 either。2、also解析:在 be 动词(am)之后用 also。3、too
解析:在肯定句尾用 too。
4、too解析:在肯定句尾用 too。
5、either解析:在否定句(wasn't)中用 either。6、also解析:在实义动词(eat)之前用 also。7、too解析:在肯定句尾用 too。
8、either解析:在否定句(isn't)中用 either。9、also解析:在 be 动词(is)之后用 also。10、too解析:在肯定句尾用 too。
11、also解析:在实义动词(love)之前用 also。12、too解析:在肯定句尾用 too。
13、either解析:在否定句(doesn't)中用 either。14、either解析:在否定句(don't)中用 either。15、also解析:在 be 动词(am)之后用 also。
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