
Charles I 查理一世

诺哈网2023-08-18 17:46:150


King Charles wasn't particularly a wise king. He trusted some wrong people as his loyal advisors, and he made some foolhardy, costly decisions at the expense of his kingdom.


However, he wasn't particularly an evil king, either.


Had he been born into an earlier age, he probably wouldn't end up getting executed in public for treason, with his reputation chopped up into shreds the moment the cold blade of the executioner's unfeelingaxe fell on the back of his neck.


The conflict that lasted almost the entire span of his reign and eventually claimed his life was the preamble to an earth-shattering revolution in Britain that gave birth toa new and unprecedentedpolitical system.


It was between Charles I and the king's Parliament.


The English Parliament in the 17th century didn't have as much power as it does today, but its members, mainly comprised of leading nobles and intellectuals who were the representatives of the emerging capitalists, were more awake than ever to their lawful rights to govern the kingdom alongside their king, rather than beneath him.


However, their desire for more autonomycollided withCharles' expectation of their role, which was more of a submissivekind, and thismismatch bred trouble.


One of Parliament's rights was to levy and collect taxes, so if the king needed money to undertake certain enterprise, he would have to pass it through Parliament to gain its monetary support.


Before Charles acceded tothe throne, Parliament mostly just unquestioningly complied with kings' demands.


Although some of those demands were uneconomical, Parliament wasn't going to defytheir kings because of that.


That was the world's orderthat Charles inherited when hesucceeded to his father's place, so he must have been stunned and lividwhen the Parliament at his timedeclined his requestto fund his foreign war in Spain.


Members of Parliament provided their ground forthe refusal, and they leveled their arrows towardsthe appointed commander of the war, the Duke of Buckingham.


The duke was one of Charles' father's mostintimate cronies and became Charles' most trusted advisor when he became king.


Although the duke was able to charm his way into the king's heart, Parliament wasn't fooled by his chicanery.


Underneath his sophisticated, polished exterior, they saw him for what he was —a corrupt schemerand adeceiving manipulator, who embezzled public money for his personal enjoyment.


Instead of heedingParliament's admonition and replacing the duke with someone else, thus peacefully addressing this quarrel, Charles headed for the opposite direction.


Intolerant of the idea that he should act in accordance with Parliament, whom he believed to be his subordinate, he chose to shut down Parliament altogether and solve the money issue on his own, namely by imposing taxeswithout Parliament's consent.


As far as he was concerned, his father proroguedParliament once, too, so he wasn't so beyond the pale. It was this arrogance that would prove to be his downfall.



With himselflavishing extravagantly on arts and his equally wastefulfriend, the Duke of Buckingham, roving around Europe in one bungled campaign after another, in 1628, three years into his reign, he ran short onmoney again.


This time, he had no choice but to re-open Parliament.


Once it was opened, its memberssnatched at this opportunity to defend their rights and vociferously expressed their grievances against the king and the Duke of Buckingham.


Charles bit his tongue andconceded to their criticisms because he needed them.


However, thingstook a downturnwhen the duke was assassinated only a short time after Parliament's reopening.


Charles' pent-up anger finally flared up, which led to himre-shuttingParliament three weeks later.


This shutdown lasted for eleven years, which means eleven years of Charles' personal rule of England.


Now that Parliament was dischargedagain, its leading members' antipathy towards Charles solidified.


They started to conceive of him as awrong-headed king with little regard for his people's voice, which was conveyedthrough Parliament.


A storm was brewing between the Crown and Parliament, and all it needed was a trigger, a flashpoint, to detonatea full-on conflict.


As it turned out, soon enough, a group of invadingScots would fire the trigger.


For years, England and Scotland had beenin a tug of war on account of reasons such as Scotland's resistance against England's attempt to integrate it.


Scufflesbetween them were on and off, but Charles took this attack from Scotland as more than a dispute between twowarring kingdoms.


He suspected that Parliament was behind it, and he specifically accused five of its members withcolluding with the Scots, ordering a warrant toarrest them by force.


Again, blinded by his kingly arrogance, he didn't think through what this forcible arrestmight bring aboutin its wake.


The arrest was based merely on the king'sparanoid speculations, and it sparkedone of the bloodiest wars in English history, the first English Civil War.



The war broke out in 1642, and it raged through the country for four years until Charles' royalist army was defeated.


Thousands of lives were lost. Family members and close friends were pitted againsteach other for supporting different factions.


Around that same era, some English men and women, unable to bear their lives in England any longer, traveled to the New World of America to start afresh.


On January 30, 1649, Charles I was walked to the scaffold.


What faced him was public execution and his charge of treason for "protecting himself and his adherents in his and their wicked practices.


To the same ends, he has traitorouslyand maliciouslylevied wars against the present Parliament and the people they represented.


So, did Charles I die a "martyr" or a "traitor"? This question often goes hand in hand with the debate as towhetherhe deserved death?


If Parliament hadn't convicted Charles for treasonand instead had continued negotiating with himfor better terms, he could have been spared of the fate of death.


His power would only be nominaland his title titular, but at least he would live.


In fact, prior to the king's execution, some members in Parliament did intend for things to go that way.


However, its military leader, Oliver Cromwell, saw Charles' presence asa perpetual threat.

然而,其军事领导人奥利弗·克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)认为查尔斯的存在是一个永久的威胁。

He insisted that the king be executed and even removed those pro-Charles members from Parliament toensure the fulfillment ofthis goal.


There were still plenty of royalists scattered around the country who saw Charles' death as an undeserved treatment, so for them, Charles' death was a martyr's death.


However, Charles did attempt to provoke a second civil war with Parliament after his army was defeated in the first one.


He still couldn't reconcile with the prospect ofruling the countryin concert with Parliament.


The visions he had of himself as the incarnation of God on earth, ruling a united and obedient kingdom by himself, were too tempting andscrumptiousfor him to give up.


Many saw the second civil war as a revelation of Charles' character.


Even after seeing what the first civil war did to his people, he was still willing to sacrifice more lives so as tosalvage his visions. Perhaps in that sense, he did in some way commit treason.


During Charles' reign, England wasn't much of a joyousplace to live in, what with all the religious conflicts and civil wars going on.


However, that crucible also cradleda new political system in England.


Forty years later, the Glorious Revolution would give this system a name —constitutional monarchy.




鲁莽的决定 foolhardy decisions

downfall 衰落

take a downturn 走下坡路


costly 昂贵的

以…为代价 at the expense of

on account of reasons由于某些原因

名誉一落千丈 reputation chopped up into shreds

beyond the pale 出格的

roving around四处游荡

scatter around 四处散布

in its wake 所过之处

rage through the country 强行通过

submissive 唯命是从的

subordinate 下属

comply with one's demands遵从要求

heed one's admonition 听从警告

act in accordance with 按照…行事

这种不匹配会带来麻烦 this mismatch breed trouble

reconcile with the prospect of与前景一致

in concert with 一致合作

This question often goes hand in hand with the debate as to whether 这个问题经常与关于是否...紧密相连

address this quarrel 解决这场争吵

provide the ground for refusal为拒绝提供了理由

unfeeling 无情的

stunned and livid 目瞪口呆,脸色铁青

prorogue 休会

bit one's tongue 话到嘴边又咽了回去

pent-up anger 压抑的愤怒

collide with /conflict 冲突

defy sb 反抗藐视

collude with 与…勾结

decline one's request拒绝某人的请求

level one's arrows towards 将矛头指向

Intolerant of the idea that 不愿意

without one's consent 未经同意

public execution 公开执行

resistance against抵抗

be pitted against 对立

Scuffles / dispute 摩擦

crucible 严峻的考验

perpetual threat永久性威胁

scaffold 断头台

forcible arrest / arrest sb by force强行逮捕

levy and collect taxes征收税款

impose taxes 征收税款

claim one's life 索要生命

embezzle public money 盗用公款

in a tug of war 拔河比赛

snatch at this opportunity 抓住这个机会

order a warrant to下令搜查

concede to criticisms 承认批评

vociferously express grievances against 大声表达不满

earth-shattering 惊天动地的

unprecedented 前所未有的

be spared of the fate of 幸免于难

start afresh 重新开始

prior to 之前

a revelation of揭露

A storm was brewing between 暴风雨正在酝酿

detonate a full-on conflict 引发全面冲突

fire the trigger扣动扳机

antipathy towards sb solidified 对某人的反感加深了


wicked practices 恶行

wasteful 挥霍的

run short on money 资金短缺

with little regard for 全然不顾

be much of a joyous place 是一个非常快乐的地方

for better terms为了更好的条件

cradle a new political system 建立新的政治制度

defend rights维护权利

tempting and scrumptious 诱人又美味

charm one's way into one's heart


inherit 继承

succeed to one's place 接替...职位

accede to the throne继承王位

intend for things to go that way 打算这样做

head for the opposite direction朝相反的方向前进

ensure the fulfillment of 确保实现

salvage his visions 挽救梦想

nominal / titular 名义上的

charge of treason 叛国罪指控

convict sb for treason 判某人叛国罪

commit treason犯叛国罪

traitorously 叛国地

accuse sb of 指控

be charged with 被指控

the entire span of 整个跨度

the world's order 世界秩序

lawful rights 合法权利

monetary support 经费的支持

polished exterior 优雅的外表


the preamble to an earth-shattering revolution

wrong-headed 执迷不悟的

paranoid speculations 偏执的猜测

one bungled campaign 失败的竞选活动

warring kingdoms 战国

spark / bring about / detonate wars 引发战争

maliciously levy / provoke wars against 恶意发动战争

nobles and intellectuals 贵族与知识分子

emerging capitalists 新兴资本家

intimate crony 密友

a corrupt schemer 一个腐败的阴谋家

a deceiving manipulator欺骗的操纵者

martyr 殉道者

the incarnation of 化身

constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制
