The above economic growth target is based mainly on the need to maintain stable employment, meet basic living needs, and guard against risks. This target is also in keeping with the average growth rates of the last two years and the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It represents a medium-high rate of growth given our large economic aggregate, and demonstrates our ability to move proactively. But achieving this goal will require arduous efforts.
1. 经济增速预期目标的设定,主要考虑稳就业保民生防风险的需要,并同近两年平均经济增速以及“十四五”规划目标要求相衔接。
The above economic growth target is based mainly on the need to maintain stable employment, meet basic living needs, and guard against risks. This target is also in keeping with the average growth rates of the last two years and the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan.
(1)“...的设定”属于修饰成分,可以处理为一个定从“…target that we set”,或者删除不译(不影响语意理解)。另外,“mainly”在“based”前后位置不同,意思也稍有不同:“在前”表示“总体看,主要考虑…需要”;“在后”强调“某种主要需求”。
(2)稳就业maintain stable employment / stabilize employment;保民生meet basic living needs /ensure living standards;防风险guard against/fend off /stave off/ward off /forestall risks
(3)同…相衔接 be in keeping with…;be aligned with(或者“与…对接”)
2. 这是高基数上的中高速增长,体现了主动作为,需要付出艰苦努力才能实现。
It represents a medium-high rate of growth given our large economic aggregate, and demonstrates our ability to move proactively. But achieving this goal will require arduous efforts.
(1)高基数上的…增长:可以直译为“growth on a high base”,但用在此处会造成信息模糊,即“多高的基数”?因此官方将“高基数”具体化处理,即“中国庞大的经济总量”这个“高基数”。
(2)体现了主动作为 demonstrate one’s ability to move proactively
To fulfill the development goals and tasks for the year, we should pursue prudent and effective macro policies, micro policies that can continuously energize market entities, and structural policies that facilitate smooth flows in the economy. Science and technology policies should be fully implemented, reform and opening up policies should lend impetus to development, regional policies should ensure more balanced and coordinated development, and social policies should meet basic living needs. All of us involved must adopt detailed and effective measures to meet these major policy requirements and create synergy for driving growth.
3.本段用七个相同句式结构“政策要…”来说明完成目标任务的“政策要求”。官方相应的处理方法分为两种:“增主 定从”和“顺句驱动 单独成句”。
To fulfill/accomplish the development goals and tasks for the year, we should pursue prudent and effective macro policies, micro policies that can continuously energize market entities, and structural policies that facilitate smooth flows in the economy.
(2)稳健有效prudent and effective;激发市场主体活力 energize market entities
(3)着力畅通国民经济循环 facilitate smooth flows/circulation in the economy(To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. 促进;促使)
注:“着力”有时也会处理为“strive to do sth; focus on doing sth”,有时也会删除不译,比如本句。
国民经济 national economy
Science and technology policies should be fully implemented, reform and opening up policies should lend impetus to development, regional policies should ensure more balanced and coordinated development, and social policies should meet basic living needs.
(2)科技政策 science and technology policies;政策扎实落地=政策全面实施 policies are fully implemented;激活发展动力=推动/促进发展 lend / give impetus to development
(4)兜住兜牢民生底线meet basic living needs
All of us involved must adopt detailed and effective measures to meet these major policy requirements and create synergy for driving growth.
(2)各方面:从其后所接内容来看,这里不能直译处理,应该处理为有生命的代词或名词:“我们所有参与者all of us involved”。
(4)围绕贯彻…要求:“围绕做…”,一般情况下会将这种结构处理为目的状语,“围绕”删除不译。“贯彻要求=满足要求meet requirements”
(5)细化实化具体措施adopt detailed and effective measures :“细化实化”采取“动转形”处理方法;“细化=具体”;“实化措施”可理解为“使措施有效”
(6)形成推动发展的合力create synergy for driving growth
声 明
词源趣谈 | 像奴隶一样的addict(瘾君子)
在古希腊和古罗马时期,人们常常将战俘作为奴隶分配给战士或卖给其他人。这种奴隶就被称为addict。这个单词来自拉丁语,由动词前缀ad-(去)加词根dict-(说、宣布)组成,整个单词的字面意思就是“分配战俘,将其卖为奴隶”,引申为“使丧失自主性,使产生依赖性”,进一步引申为“使上瘾,使沉迷于某种嗜好”。诺哈网2023-08-19 17:15:320000词源趣谈 | 胳臂上绑相同布带的band(一群人)
英语单词band来自英国人的本族语,和动词bind(捆绑)同源,本意是“布条、捆绑之物”,比如:Shealwaystiesherhairbackinaband.她总是用一条带子把头发扎在后面。Allbabiesinthehospitalhavenamebandsontheirwrists.医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。诺哈网2023-08-04 08:55:350000英语俗语: To bend the rules(放宽规定/通融)
英语俗语:Tobendtherules(放宽规定/通融)。破坏规定(Breakingtherules)是一回事,放宽规定(Bendingtherules)是另一回事。"Tobendtherules"指的是做一些不允许的事或批准他人做一些通常不允许的事。有时我们会在不幸或意外的境地下放宽规定。例句:诺哈网2023-08-23 10:20:150000跟着纪录片去旅行,BBC自然类纪录片《地球最壮观的景色》
自然类的纪录片一直是BBC的金字招牌。制作精良的纪录片,不仅能让孩子享受艺术美感,还能通过独特的视角去解读大自然,真正激发出孩子探索世界的热情。尤其斥巨资拍摄,团队倾情打造的片子,这种心灵滋养会让孩子受益一生。诺哈网2023-08-01 08:06:430000第3期:English Pod - Hotel Upgrade 酒店升级
晨读音频Goodmorning,Englishlearnersandwelcometomychannel.大家好早上好,欢迎来到我们的晨读栏目。MynameisLara.我是Lara。Iamheretodaywithaninterestinglessonaboutahotelsituation.我今天在这里给大家上了一堂关于酒店的有趣课程。诺哈网2023-08-08 10:36:410000