第19期: Planning For The Worst 做好应急计划
Hello English learners! And welcome to another great lesson with me here. I’m Reevs. Good morning!
And today I’m bringing you a great upper intermediate lesson.
We’re gonna talk about the topic that’s been in the news, and this topic is "The bird flu".
We’ve got language to talk about a disease.
And language that you might use in a planning meeting at work.
Okay, so, we’re ready to listen to our dialogue.
A: Well, right, let’s move to our next order of business, as many of you are aware, in recent weeks there has been a lot of media coverage surrounding this bird flu issue. And it’s come to my attention that our company lacks any sort of bird flu contingency plan.
B: Basically, we need to come up with a clear plan; we need to outline specific actions that our company can take to maintain critical business functions in case a pandemic strikes.
A: So, what I’d like to do is: first appoint someone to look after drafting our plan; Ralph, I’d like you to head up this project.
C: Sure, no problem. What issues do you want me to consider?
B: Well, let’s see, there are a few points we need to be thinking about. . . first, I’ll need you to analyze our numbers and figure out what kind of financial impact an outbreak might have.
这有几个要点我们需要考虑到...... 首先,我需要你分析下我们的数据,弄清楚可能爆发的流感会使财务受到怎样的影响。
A: You’ll also need to think about how we can avoid any of our employees getting infected; think of ways to reduce employee-customer contact, perhaps some IT solutions that will allow our people to work from home.
C: I guess you’ll need me to forecast employee absences as well, right? And I’ll think about the impact this will have on our clients. Hey, what about vaccines? Should we be thinking about getting vaccines for our employees?
A: Exactly right. So, I’ll leave this to you, and we’ll review the draft plan in two weeks. Okay, so, anyone want to order some KFC for lunch?
Okay, let’s look at some useful pronunciation tips in the dialogue.
1. 辅元连读 Flap T:What I
对话中:What I’d like to do is...
Flap T 分析:/t/在两个元音音标之间且非重读的时候,/t/可以读为一个很轻的/d/, 所以读为/wʌtaɪ/。
复述:What I’d like to do is...
2. 失爆:want to
对话中:Anyone want to order some KFC for lunch?
失爆分析:want to,want结尾是一个爆破音/t/,to开头也是一个爆破音/t/, 所以want结尾的/t/可以不发音,那就可以读为/wɑːntuː/。
复述:Anyone want to order some KFC for lunch?
We heard a lot of really useful language in this dialogue and right now we’re gonna look at five different words from the dialogue.
The first one is critical.
第一个单词是 critical。
1. critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/ adj.至关紧要的
So, when something is critical, it’s basically really important, really urgent.
This is a critical step in the process. You can’t make a mistake here.
Okay, the next word we have is pandemic.
2. pandemic / pænˈdemɪk/ n.大流行病
So, it’s a disease that spreads very fast and goes everywhere.
a global pandemic 一种全球流行病
Our third word for today is outbreak.
3. outbreak /ˈaʊtbreɪk/ n. (暴力、疾病等坏事的) 爆发
the outbreak of war 战争的爆发
an outbreak of influenza 流感的爆发
So moving on,our fourth word is forecast.
4. forecast /ˈfɔːrkæst/ n.预测
So, to forecast basically means to predict.
比如,我们经常看的天气预报,就是“weather forecast”。
The last word for today is vaccine.
5. vaccine /vækˈsiːn/ n.疫苗
get vaccines 打疫苗
When we are small, we get polio vaccines, measles vaccines.
There’s a lot of words that you can use in a planning meeting, so, let’s look at five useful phrases in the dialogue.在工作规划会议中,有很多你可以用到的词汇,那么,让我们来看看对话中5个有用的短语。
Now, this first phrase you can use when you want to change the subject at a meeting. Let’s listen to what they said in the dialogue.现在,我们要说的第一个短语,是当你在会议中想要改变话题时可以使用的。
1. Let’s move to our next order of business. 我们开始下一项议题吧。Okay, so, let’s move to our next order of business, it’s a great way of saying “let’s move on”.“Let’s move to our next order of business(让我们进入下一项议题吧!)”是一种很好的表达“Let’s move on”(让我们继续吧!)的方式。
So,let’s move on to our second phrase and it’s “contingency plan”. 那么,让我们来看第二个短语,它是contingency plan。
2. contingency plan 应急计划So, a contingency plan is a plan that you make to prepare for an emergency.所以,应急计划是一个你为应对紧急情况所做的计划。 So, like a backup plan.
make contingency plans 制定应急计划
And I have another interesting phrase for you, it’s “We need to come up with a clear plan”.
我这里还有另外一个有趣的短语,是“We need to come up with a clear plan”。
3. We need to come up with a clear plan.
我们需要提出明确的计划方案。其中:come up with 提出例如:
He came up with a new idea for increasing sales.他提出了一个增加销售的新想法。
Okay, our fourth phrase we heard in the dialogue is “head up”.
好了。我们在对话中听到的第四个短语是head up。
4. head up 领导,负责It means I’d like you to lead or take care of this project.意思是我希望你来领导或者管理这个项目。Dialogue里面employer说的这一句话,也是很地道的,要认真记下来呀!例如:
I’d like you to head up this project.
Okay, and the last phrase you can use when you want to give someone the responsibility of a job.好了,这是最后一个短语,当你想让某人负责一件工作的时候,你可以用这个短语。
5. So, I’ll leave this to you. 那么,我就把这事交给你。So, I’ll leave this to you. This is “you take charge”.“I’ll leave this to you”就是表示“你要负责”。
Now, it’s time for us to review what we've learned today.
1. 发音重点:
辅元连读 Flap T:What I 失爆:want to
2. 单词重点:
critical adj. 至关紧要的pandemic n.大流行病outbreak n. (暴力、疾病等坏事的) 爆发forecast n.预测vaccine n.疫苗(可用作可数,也可用作不可数)
3. 表达重点:
Let’s move to our next order of business.我们开始下一项议题吧。contingency plan 应急计划We need to come up with a clear plan. 我们需要提出明确的计划方案。head up 领导,负责So, I’ll leave this to you. 那么,我就把这事交给你。
Alright,that's all for today. Thanks for coming. Hope you enjoy today's lesson.
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