美本大学分析-德州农工(Texas A&M University)
德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A&M University,简称TAMU),又称德州农工大学,是全美规模第六大学校,也是著名的公立研究型大学。德州农工大学位于休斯敦、达拉斯、圣安东尼奥这三个美国十大城市之间,并且离德州首府奥斯汀也很近,交通非常方便。
Non-Resident Tuition Waiver
The Competitive Scholarship waiver, authorized under Texas Education Code 54.213a, is an optional waiver that institutions can implement. An eligible non-resident student who holds a competitive academic scholarship of a specified minimum dollar amount for the academic year or summer for which the student is enrolled may be eligible to pay the fees and charges required of Texas residents without regard to the length of time the student has resided in Texas. The student must have competed with other students, including Texas residents, for the scholarship and the scholarship must be awarded by a Texas A&M University college or departmental scholarship committee or university representative. An outside donor may be consulted for input by the college or departmental unit, however, outside donor(s) may not make the final selection of the student recipient for a scholarship.
Effective Fall 2017, undergraduate students must be awarded and maintain competitive scholarships of at least $4,000 per academic year in order to qualify for this waiver. All graduate students, all professional students, and current undergraduate students with existing eligible and continuing eligible competitive scholarship awards, may continue to receive this waiver at the previous $1,000 threshold.
Students may receive this waiver at the discretion of the University and in compliance with the limit on the number of waivers allowed by the State of Texas. Non-resident distance education students who reside outside the state of Texas pay a teaching fee in lieu of tuition, and are not eligible for this or other non-resident tuition waivers.
In the case of a student exceeding their degree plan by more than 30 SCHs, both resident and non-resident students are charged non-resident tuition and are not eligible for this or other non-resident tuition waivers.
Scholarships that qualify for Non-Resident Tuition Waivers follow this process:
1. University department certifies that the scholarship awarding process qualifies for a non-resident waiver.
2. University department awards competitive scholarship.
3. Scholarships & Financial Aid verifies student recipients meet Selective Service registration requirements (or exemption) each academic year.
4. Scholarships & Financial Aid posts non-resident waiver as a resource to financial aid package.
5. Scholarships & Financial Aid forwards student and scholarship information to Student Business Services.
6. Student Business Services credits the non-resident waiver to the student billing account.
Timing of the non-resident waiver credit depends upon when the scholarship is awarded (i.e. becomes a part of the financial aid package) and student billing. All non-resident waivers are to be certified and approved no later than the 12th class day of the fall/spring terms and the 4th class day of the summer terms.
There is no minimum GPA requirement to continue to receive the waiver in subsequent years (for multi-year scholarships). As long as the student maintains eligibility for the qualifying scholarship, the student will continue to receive the benefit of the waiver of non-resident tuition. If the student loses eligibility for the qualifying scholarship, the student will lose eligibility for the waiver as well and will be assessed non-resident tuition rates.
我们先来看一下什么是PR,PR指的是澳大利亚永久居民,这个居民是没有入籍的,只能算是半个澳大利亚人,PR签证持有者可以在澳大利亚无限期的停留居住和多次往返进入。PR签证一般有效期是5年,一般在拿到签证的第一年需要入境,签证上也会著名最后的入境时间,如果超过时间,那么签证就作废了。如果5年到期了,你可以申请入籍或者是续签。诺哈网2023-08-02 13:05:130000好书甄选 | 500 手绘技巧和案例,工业产品学生必读的手绘圣典《Sketching》
设计师还在手工制作图纸吗?在现在这个时代,使用计算机是否会更加高级?有些人可能认为素描是一种消失的技能,但是如果你进入设计工作室,会发现在大多数情况下,工作室仍然在手工制作草图和绘图。手绘是设计过程中不可或缺的一部分,一般用于设计的早期阶段,研究和概念的探索以及演示。这本书被视为设计素描的标准书,对工业产品设计学生在手绘方面会有很大帮助。本期推荐好书:「Sketching」01推荐理由诺哈网2023-08-15 16:25:330000一张图详解如何根据美国新法案拿绿卡
昨日,在经过数月的两党谈判后,美国参议院通过了移民政策修订案,法案获得共和党14票支持,以及全体民主党54票的支持。该法案由一个4位共和党参议员和4位民主党参议员组成的集团联合提出。虽然两党参议员计划继续施加压力,但是要想在众议院复制参议院通过这一方法案的路径,这将是一个艰巨的任务。诺哈网2023-08-22 10:11:490000选择出国留学硕士,毕业生档案如何处理?