

诺哈网2023-08-05 08:05:330

今年剑桥的面试好像比两年前晚了足足一个月,其实这里面是有原因的,我们当年,面试和笔试都在上海举行,是二合一的,笔试叫做“At-interview Assissment”而今年剑桥的笔试叫做“Pre-interview Assessment”,同样在10月底举行,根据笔试的成绩决定面试的名单,所以面试就晚了一个月,这个和英国本土的做法一样了。有不少家长问我面试的流程,说实话,毕竟不是我面试,我只能翻翻老邮件,说不了太多,只能给大家一些基本信息,也给以后申请的家长一个概念吧。


Dear applicant,

You will have recently received an email from me inviting you for interview in Shanghai.

Due to a system error, there was some incorrect information about your written assessment contained towards the end of the email. The date contained within the table at the start of the email (Thursday 26th October) is correct for both your interview and assessment (there are no Saturday assessments being held).

Please still reply to the original email, if you have not already done so.

With best wishes,


Overseas Interviews Assistant

Cambridge Admissions Office

University of Cambridge

Fitzwilliam House

32 Trumpington Street

Cambridge CB2 1QY


I write in connection with your application to the University of Cambridge to study **** (此处隐去专业名)


programme of interviews has been arranged in Shanghai and I would like

to invite you to attend as follows below. Special preparation is not

expected though you should be reasonably familiar with schoolwork in

relevant areas.



Interview Date:

Thursday 26 October


10.30 - 11.00


Hotel Equatorial, Shanghai


Dr *****

Written Assessment:

14.30, Thursday 26 October


2. Further Information

Please read very carefully the additional information below as it contains all the details you need to know about your interview and, where relevant, your written assessment. There are also details to be found about the payment necessary in order for you to attend this interview.

3. Acknowledgement

Please reply to this email without delay, quoting your COPA reference number in the email subject line, to acknowledge that you have received this information and will be attending. We will not normally send further confirmation and simply look forward to meeting you later in the month. Please also let us know if you no longer wish for your application to be considered and therefore will not be attending. You are expected to attend the interview at the time allocated. We are sorry if the time or location should be inconvenient but the constraints of the timetable are very tight and only in very extreme circumstances will an alternative interview time be possible. There is only one sitting of the assessment so under no circumstances can we offer you an alternative for this.

Yours sincerely

(Dr) *****

On behalf of the Cambridge Colleges’ PR China Applications Office

由于在上海面试,所以除了面试以外还有考试,叫:At-interview Assessment (今年改成和英国一样形式的pre-interview Assessment),其实就是笔试,今年笔试大家在10月份都已经考过了,我这已经是过时消息了,给后备看个大概吧。我们是同一天,两个地方,时间还是略紧的。早上面试完,匆匆忙忙赶过去。到了那里,发现一堆人在都在了,老师安排在门口休息,大多都是家长陪过来的,还有一两个英国学生。到了差不多开考时间,老师根据科目叫学生分别排队,核对信息后,各自进入不同的教室,开始考试。不同专业,考试内容和时长也是不一样的,详见下面邮件中表格信息。心疼下数学专业,考的时间最长,120分钟。

Additional Information

1. 2017 interview arrangements

Interviews vary in length and content, though are mostly about 25 minutes in duration. Please note that a proportion of interviews may be recorded as an experiment; these will be treated as confidential and no permanent record will be kept. There are no dress regulations, other than any that may be specified by your school, as we prefer you to be comfortable in the interview.

Please note that all shortlisted applicants are required to pay an interview fee of £150 and you are now required to pay this without delay and by no later than 17.00 (GMT) on Friday 13 October 2017. You must pay the interview fee using the link below:

Overseas Interview Fee payments

Please note that failure to pay your interview fee by this date will invalidate your application. Payment terms and conditions, including your right to cancel, can be found on the University of Cambridge Finance Division website.

Enquiries about the interview fee payment only should be directed to: appfees@admin.cam.ac.uk

When you come for your interview, try to set off in good time for the journey and thus ensure prompt arrival, especially if you are not familiar with the venue. You will then be more relaxed and be able to give a better impression than if you have had to rush to arrive on time, or search to find out precisely where the interviews are being held (though at the venue the location will be signposted).

The interview venue is:

Hotel Equatorial Shanghai

65 Yanan Road West



Please inform the University of Cambridge desk in the hotel reception of your arrival.


At-interview assessment

Applicants being interviewed in China for the subjects listed below are required to complete a written at-interview assessment which will take place on Thursday 26th October, starting at 14.30 at the following location:

English version: Ambrightgroup Group Offices, 15F Huaxu International Plaza, No.336 Middle Xizang Road, Shanghai

Chinese version: 安生教育 ,上海市西藏中路336号,华旭国际大厦15楼

(The offices are opposite Hotel Le Meridien (Chinese name: 皇家艾美酒店))

You do not register separately for these assessments and no additional fee is payable.




Essay/text response element (60 minutes)


Writing skills (30 minutes)

Graphic and spatial ability (30 minutes)

Classics (3-year)

Translation exercise (60 minutes)

Classics (4-year)

Language aptitude interview (20 minutes)

Computer Science

Maths-based problems (60 minutes)


Critical response to text or other stimulus

(60 minutes)

History and Modern Languages

Discursive response in Foreign Language

(40 minutes)

Discursive response in English (20 minutes)

History of Art

Structured comparison of images

(60 minutes)

Land Economy

Thinking Skills Assessment

(Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; 90 minutes)


Cambridge Law Test

(Essay version; 60 minutes)


Structured analysis of language data (20 minutes)

Analysis of quantitative data (20 minutes)

Short essay (20 minutes)


Maths-based problems (120 minutes)

Modern and Medieval Languages

Discursive response in Foreign Language

(40 minutes)

Discursive response in English (20 minutes)


Multiple choice logic problems (20 minutes)

Essay (40 minutes)

Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion

Brief lecture followed by written response (60 minutes)

All applicants need to bring photographic identification to the assessment. You may NOT use a calculator or a dictionary (book or electronic) for any of the papers. Mobile phones, even if switched off, may not be brought into the examination room or to an interview.

Although some of our assessment questions may be based on an A-level examination syllabus, allowance will be made for the different background of applicants taking other equivalent examinations such as the International Baccalaureate.

For all other subjects (listed below), apart from Music, you must ensure that you are registered to sit an assessment on the 2nd of November (referred to as a pre-interview assessment because most applicants will sit it before coming to Cambridge for an interview in December)

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies


Engineering (including Chemical Engineering via Engineering)




History and Modern Languages

History and Politics

Human, Social, and Political Sciences


Natural Sciences (including Chemical Engineering via Natural Sciences)

Psychological and Behavioural Sciences

Veterinary Medicine
















